Daily Walk Through the New Testament

December 30

Read Ephesians 5:15-6:4

When Christians read about submission in this passage, many associate it with sexism and inequality. In this age of liberation, submission is a very unpopular idea, even in the church. Unfortunately, too many Christians have followed the world’s example and adopted self-fulfillment as the greatest goal of marriage, promoting personal pleasure rather than a mutual commitment to sacrificial love. Biblical submission, however, is not about forced inequality — it is about loving respect and recognition of God’s order of authority.
Ephesians 5:18 says we are called to “be filled with the Spirit.” This is never more necessary than in family relationships. It is impossible to obey God’s commands without His power. A wife must ask, “Do I love my husband enough to live for him?” A husband must ask, “Do I love my wife enough to die for her?” Both involve initial submission to the Lord. After all, Paul’s verb concerning the fullness of the Spirit is in the plural, so it can be translated “all of you be filled.” That means men, women, and children — all of us — are to be filled.
While submission literally refers to rank and authority, it also implies ordered, voluntary recognition of equality. What woman would not want to respect a Spirit-filled man who loves her as Christ loved the church? (Or vice versa) What child would not want to learn from a parent who has the wisdom of God?
As you seek to live in the fullness of the Spirit, sincerely progress through these steps on a daily basis: realize your need, repent of sin, submit to Christ’s lordship, identify with His death and resurrection, and request His control.
As you aim to submit to the Lord and love your family members well, remember that giving God glory through living out His will is more important than defending your personal rights and feelings (5:17). The Christian life is about selflessness, not self-indulgence. It’s about putting others first, not yourself.
Ask God every day to help you live a life of love and service, like Jesus, and to cherish and nourish your spouse and your children, those precious people with whom He has blessed you.