Daily Walk Through the New Testament

January 14
Read 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2:12

In today’s passage, Paul took the opportunity to address some concerns the  Thessalonians had about the Second Coming of Christ. The church at Thessalonica had slipped into fear because they had believed some false information about the end times. In fact, some of them even thought they had missed the return of Christ!
We, too, can so quickly fall prey to fear in our own lives. The antidote to fear is faith, and the way God grows our faith is through a steady diet of His Word (Romans 10:17). When you hear folks teach on the end times, much emphasis is given to the role of the Antichrist. It can generate fear in believers. The Antichrist may play a role in end time events, but not a leading role. The leading role is reserved for Christ. Paul told us in 2:8 that Christ will overthrow the Antichrist with just “the breath of His mouth”!
What other false beliefs do you have that are generating fear? Do not be “shaken in mind or troubled,” and “let no one deceive you by any means (2:2-3). Instead, expose those false beliefs by studying the truth of God’s Word and clinging to it. When you do, those fears will be destroyed, and you will begin to live in greater levels of freedom.