Daily Walk Through the New Testament

January 22
Read 2 Timothy 1:1-2:10

Timothy was facing opposition when Paul wrote to encourage him to stay the course. Paul told hm to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” and to “endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2:1, 3).
God doesn’t want our short-term pains or gains on earth to distract us from His kingdom work and eternal rewards (2:9-10_. No matter how intense our earthly circumstances get, we must discipline ourselves not to get so caught up in them that we no longer focus on the will and kingdom of God. We need to view everything in life with spiritual SON-glasses and remain alert and productive soldiers for God. As we move toward spiritual victory in this invisible war, we must do so “according to the rules” (vs. 5). Only the Spirit-led and Bible-obeying “heroes” will be highly decorated by God in eternity.
Whatever you’re facing today, continue in obedience in His strength and for His sake.