Daily Walk Through the New Testament

January 25
Read Titus 1:1-2:8

God’s Word is the only source of truth for living and dying. Satan’s simple goal is to cause us to doubt God’s Word and love. He has deceived many into following leaders who claim to be God’s messengers but are actually impostors who use His name to gain personal wealth and power. As we can see in today’s passage, the early church had to deal with false teachers (1:10-15). Paul told Titus the deceivers “must be stopped” because they were subverting “whole households, teaching things which they ought not” (vs. 11). Lies had prompted doubts and doubts turned into unbelief.
In Titus 1:2, Paul spoke of the “hope of eternal life.” The Greek word for “hope” here can also be translated “confidence.” God wants us to put all our confidence in Him, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, the only wise God. He wants us to read His Love Letter daily, putting our hope in every true word and putting our faith in His power! Unless we take Him at His Word, we will lack the hope the Father desires His children to have.
Don’t buy into the Enemy’s lies. The Bible reveals the one true God, and He cannot lie (1:2). His love for you reaches to the heavens and was demonstrated on the cross. The only way to salvation and to a blessed life is to throw away your doubts and fully surrender and submit to Him! Resolve to live with strong, unwavering faith in God and His Word all of your days.