Daily Walk Through the New Testament
January 31
Read Hebrews 3:7-4:13
God’s greatest desire for you is not obedience, but intimacy, because obedience is the natural overflow of a heart that is in love with Jesus. Whenever we get this out of balance, we fall prey to the bondage of our flesh and miss the freedom of a relationship with God. As we seek Him daily and know Him intimately, He produces the very life of Jesus in us, which is perfectly obedient to the will of the Father.
Clearly, we are to obey God’s voice, but He wants our obedience to flow out of a heart full of love and gratitude for Him. He desires obedience that is the expression of our passion for Him and the manifestation of His very life in us. Then and only then does that obedience result in the divine rest and freedom He so graciously promises.
Evaluate the source of your obedience — may it always flow from a heart that is walking intimately with the Father.