Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 18
Revelation 12:13-13:18

Since Eden, Satan has been the ultimate deceiver. Scripture teaches that Satan has been a murderer and a liar since the beginning and that he is the father of lies (John 8:44). Though Adam was personally responsible for violating God’s law, it was Satan who provided the slick, cunning bait that hooked Adam: “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it … you will be like God” (Genesis 3:4-5).
The mission of Satan might be summed up this way: he manipulates and destroys by counterfeit. John tells us Satan will continue to use this tactic until the very end. He will tell you more money will bring you happiness, or a different spouse will satisfy you, or cutting corners at work will go unnoticed by the boss. Don’t believe the lies! Satan places counterfeits before us to take our eyes off the only real truth the world has ever known: Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the one Person who fully withstands Satan’s assault. Jesus won in the wilderness, at the cross, and through His bodily resurrection. Ask God to make you vigilant, sober, and obedient. Satan is crafty, but Christ is greater. Be strong in Him!