Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 7
Read Revelation 2:1-17
Some of the greatest people to be around are newlyweds. They are so in love and wrapped up in the thrill of being married. Their love for each other is evident, and the way they fawn over each other is so sweet. Over time, however, other things will compete with the relationship. Less time and attention will be given to nurture the marriage. In some cases, where there was once closeness, there will be distance. Some will drift away from their first love.
The church at Ephesus was condemned for leaving her first love. “First love” could be both love for God and love for fellow believers. The word “leaving” means “to abandon; to leave behind; to go on to something else.” It implies a process, even something almost imperceptible like erosion. Somehow this church that had labored for the Lord, persevered, and done good works in His Name, had, over time, lost her first love.
It is relatively easy for us to do the same and lose our love for God and for others. We can get so busy doing other things, even good things, that our loving devotion to God gets lost. Our sense of self-sufficiency grows, and our sense of needing God dwindles. We drift away from our first love.
But all hope is not lost! Jesus has told us how to regain our first love. Remember where you were to see how far you have fallen. Repent of your sinful attitude and conduct. Return to what you were doing at the beginning that nurtured your love for God and for others. Jesus wants you to return to Him!