Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 9
Read Revelation 2:18-3:6

A pair of Boys played in a huge backyard, running wild. With no adult supervision, their playfulness turned into mischief, and their mischief turned into foolishness and wrongdoing. Even with adult supervision — and plenty of rules — the boys kept pushing the limits, and eventually the adults strongly rebuked and disciplined them. The boys had earned it and needed it. Even though it felt harsh at the time, it helped them learn what was right and helped them grow to become better men because of it. Those adults who corrected the boys in firmness and love saved the day.
In this passage, Jesus corrected a corrupt church in Thyatira. He reminded them of His holy standards and that He expected them to be holy. He told them not to tolerate the false teachings and sinful behavior within their church. Jesus gave a harsh rebuke to Jezebel, who had a sinful lifestyle and was unrepentant, and to those under her influence. He told those who were not involved in the corruption to hold fast to what they had in Him, not to allow sin to remain in their lives, and to remain faithful.
In our first example, the adults who disciplined the young boys were aware of the boys’ bad behavior before they stepped in. How much more does our Heavenly Father see? He knows our every move, every thought, and every motive, and today, Jesus is calling His followers to turn away from sin and pursue holiness. Jesus “searches the minds and hearts” of His followers, and He will deal with each of us accordingly (Revelation 2:23). He wants to help us mature, walk in righteousness, and become more and more like Him. Invite His help today. Depend on His guidance, and hold firm to His life-giving principles for godliness.