Daily Walk Through the New Testament

November 14

Read Romans 14:1-15:3

Life would be much simpler if everyone believed the same things, thought the same thoughts, and acted in the same ways. It would also be much duller.
Every person who has truly been saved is a member of the family of God. All Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ. However, not all Christians live at the same  spiritual maturity level. Some Christians still struggle with legalism, while others are still seeking the full meaning of the grace-filled life.
Paul said, “We then who are storing ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves” (Romans 15:1). Many believers don’t know whether they belong in the weak or the strong category. Many forget there is a difference between personal preference, personal conviction, and absolute truth. Too many Christians argue about things that have nothing to do with biblical truth. They fuss about things that are only preferences or personal convictions. Satan loves it when we do that.
As brothers and sisters in God’s family, our chief aim should be to live in a way that brings honor to Him. We must not waste our lives criticizing others. Let us determine to please the Lord in all we do and leave the judging to Him.