Daily Walk Through the New Testament
November 20
Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-4:5

A hundred years from now, many things will be far less important to you than they are today — your meticulously groomed lawn, the amount of money in your IRA, the make and model of your car, or who won the Super Bowl or was National Champs.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with any of those things but it’s important to answer this question: what in your life today will remain when the mountains have crumbled, the stars have fallen from the sky, and a new heaven and a new earth are created?
Wood, hay, and stubble will all go up in flames someday (3:12-13). Those 3 things are an analogy for the temporary things we worry over, get stressed out about, and work for tirelessly — that are all going to be destroyed. So many people are giving their lives to things that will not last; things that have no eternal value.
What are you living for that will last? What are you working for that will remain? Is your portfolio eternal? When we look back on this life with heavenly eyes, things are going to look much differently than they do now, so begin today to build for eternity with Jesus as your cornerstone.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
November 21
Read 1 Corinthians 4:6-5:8

People have the idea today that it is ok to live in immorality and that God is going to overlook their “little” indiscretions. But Galatians 6:7 tells us, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” God doesn’t miss one single beat of our lives. He is the righteous judge, and He will judge accordingly. Does that mean that if you have done anything immoral that you can’t be saved? NO! 1 Corinthians 6:11 speaks to Christians with dark pasts, saying that unbelieving sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God, “but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” Hallelujah! Praise Jesus!
There is no sin so awful that the blood of Christ cannot cleanse it. He makes the dirtiest sinner clean. God will not tolerate sin in your life because He is holy and because of the great sacrifice Jesus Christ made for you on the cross. If there is an area of unconfessed sin in your life, He will deal with you personally, persistently, and powerfully until you put it out of your life (1 Corinthians 5:13).
Your sin may not be mentioned here in this writing, but sin is sin. If left alone, sin will cost you more than you want to pay, take you further than you want to go, and keep you longer than you want to stay. Deal with sin today!