Daily Walk Through the New Testament

October 11
Read Acts 18:5-28

Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? Whether it is a fear of loss, failure, rejection, ridicule, or persecution, what fear grips you?
You may have heard the acronym that fear is  False Evidence Appearing Real. One of the biggest “false evidences” of fear is that you either are or will be all alone. However, the truth is that Jesus Christ is always with you. Fear is not something you just have to live with. Have you noticed how brave you can become when someone else is with you? Allow the promise of God’s presence to dispel fear and drive your courage to move forward in faith.
There are 9 accounts in the Gospels of Jesus saying, “Don’t be afraid.” Four other times, He encouraged His followers with the promise of His presence. We see the same message in today’s reading when the Lord said to Paul, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you” (Acts 18:9-10).
God’s presence makes all the difference. His perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18). Whatever God asks of you, you need not fear. He has promised you will not go alone. Focus on His presence and power to overcome your fear!