Daily Walk Through the New Testament

October 24
Read Acts 26:9-32

While he was on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians, Saul learned of God’s plan for his life through an encounter with the risen Christ. As a Pharisee, Saul thought he had already figured out what his role was in Israel — a defender of the Torah and an executor of God’s judgment. But that was not to be. God even changed Saul’s name to prove it! Do you already have your life figured out? If so, you may be ripe for a “Damascus Road” experience of your own!
When God calls and you answer, new insights, visions, and experiences will become more commonplace. God’s call will always take you beyond your comfort zone and into the vast unexplored reaches of His grace and mercy. The truth is, you are called to be God’s witness, just like Paul. Your response to God’s call may look different than Paul’s, but it is just as real. You can reach people others cannot, go places others cannot, and do things others cannot.
Hear God calling to you today. Ask Him to show you how you can reach people within your sphere of influence for Him. Wherever you are, be a witness for Him!