Daily Walk Through the New Testament

September 30

Read Acts 11:1-30

There are 2 marks of genuine believers revealed in Acts 11. First, we see that God’s people are marked by grace (vs. 1-18). Peter defends God’s grace and tells the Jews that grace has been extended to the Gentiles. This reminds us that spiritual rescue has been extended to all through Christ’s atoning work on the cross. As someone once said, “It is not race, face, or place that earns favor in God’s sight. It is only grace!”
Second, we see that God’s people are marked by generosity (vs. 27-30). When there was a severe famine in Judea, Gentile believers in Antioch sent aid to the Jewish believers in their time of great need. This is what genuine believers do — they care for others during times of distress.
Is there someone you can extend grace to today? Who would be blessed by your generosity? Look for ways you can take care of people and reflect the nature of the God you worship.