Daily Walk Through the New Testament
September 5
Read John 17:20-18:18

All 4 Gospels tell about Jesus’ arrest in Gethsemane, but John alone described one extraordinary event that occurred there. The soldiers and religious leaders came to the garden demanding to see Jesus of Nazareth, and as recorded in the original language of the New Testament, Jesus replied with 3 words: “I am He.” Amazingly, these simple words from the Lord’s lips forced the arresting detachment to fall helplessly to the ground. Why? Because His captors were face-to-face with Christ’s majesty and deity, and they could not stand. God’s covenant name, which He revealed to Moses at the burning bush, is “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). It is this wonderful title that Jesus, the eternal Son of God claimed for Himself in the presence of His enemies.
You can take courage that Jesus, the great I AM, has the power to subdue all the powers of darkness, fear, and spiritual opposition, no matter what your circumstances are!