Divine Discipline

God’s Story:
My Son came to earth to save my people from sin and the devil, but he did not remove every hardship that comes during a lifetime. My children cannot go through life doing whatever they please. What kind of father would I be if I allowed that to happen? Hardship is a form of discipline that increases faith and strengthens character. The difficulties my children face will draw them closer to me and my holiness and equip them for life in the eternal community I am building.

Read Hebrews 12:1-13

Your Story:
Why me? Have you ever asked that question? Living through difficulties, hardships or disappointments is never easy. And at the time, it’s often impossible to get a correct perspective on the situation. Only time will make that possible. Look back on some hardship you have endured in the distant past. Can you see the good that God was working through it? Why or why not? How has that experience strengthened you and your faith?