From The Desk Of Pastor Ben
Do not cast me off in the time of old age; forsake me not when
 my strength is spent.     (Psalm 71:9) ESV

Before my mom & dad passed away, they were living in a nursing home in my home town. One time when I was visiting them, I had the opportunity to go with them to the event room for a church service held by a local church. The room filled up quickly and since this service was voluntary and not mandatory, I am guessing that the majority of the people there were Christians or at the very least church-going people.
There were a lot of distractions, as you might imagine, and there was even someone playing show tunes on a piano down the hall somewhere. The local church was a Catholic Church so the service was a mass led by the priest. At first, I felt a little restless and distracted as the priest led the mass and “Moon River” was being played from down the hall.
But before long, my eyes filled with tears as I saw this room for what it was, despite all the distractions — a holy place where Jesus was meeting with His beloved children. All of these people in this room had lived long lives of service to Jesus and probably;y had endless stories of His faithfulness and a deep love for Him. Each person also knew that, within a relatively short period of time, years, months, weeks, maybe even days, they would meet Jesus face to face. But their expressions reflected no fear, only joy and faith.
Their example strengthened my heart. Witnessing a room full of people about to hear Jesus tell them, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” took my breath away. My petty problems faded into the background. I prayed He would help me prepare for the day when I would be near my eternal home, as these seniors were, and I also rejoiced that Jesus walks with us at any age.

Faith Step:     Spend some time with someone older than you and ask them about their experiences of following Jesus.