Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your Heavenly Father.     (Matthew 5:15-16) TLB

It’s easy to go to work or shop or do other activities and never let anyone know you are a Christian. Usually, folks will think you’re a nice person or a good employee, and you can just peacefully coexist through life that way. But that is not what Jesus Himself is calling us to in today’s Scripture passage. He depends on us to be salt & light (Matthew 5:13-14) in a dark world, showing people there is a better way and pointing them to Him. When we share our treasure with others, we truly shine as Christians.
A while back, I had developed a friendship with someone who wasn’t a Christian. We would talk and laugh spend time together for several months. One day he shared how he had lost a beloved grandparent to cancer a few years before and told me what a devout Christian this person had been. I could tell that the grandparent’s death had hurt him and challenged whatever faith he had that God existed. How could I stay silent? The compassion of the Holy Spirit welled up in me as I listened, and I shared about the love of Jesus with him at the appropriate moment. Since then, my friend has begun listening to the Bible on CD in his car on the way to work, and he tells me what he is learning and even asks questions! He hasn’t given in to the Lord yet, but I know that Jesus will continue the work He has begun in his heart. And I’m going to continue to let my little light shine. How about you?

Faith Step:    Is there someone in your life with whom you can share your light? Be prayerful and shine for Him.