Devotions For Lent – Day 33

Drawn To The Cross

“I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
(John 12:32)

Read Matthew 11:25-30.

There are some people that have such charisma that others are naturally drawn to them. The cross of Christ has that power. Despite our feeling of unworthiness, we are drawn in by the power of Jesus lifted up on the cross. Reflect and pray over the words of this poem by Genevieve Irons:

“Drawn to the cross, which You have blessed
With healing gifts for souls distressed,
To find in You my life, my rest,
Christ Crucified, I come.”

Today, think or write the words of a hymn or song that draws you into the presence of God. Then, sing those words as a prayer.

Prayer Starter:
Spirit of the Living God, breathe into me a breath of life, of hope, and . . .