From Oceans to Deserts
By Pastor Ben

“For your steadfast love is before  my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.”
                        (Psalm 26:3)

When traveling coast to coast across the United States, you can’t help but notice drastic changes in the landscape. The deserts of Nevada, the mountains of Colorado, the prairies of Kansas, the Appalachian Trail, the woodlands of Vermont, the tropical essence of Florida — all point to the creativity of our Creator.

As we move through life, we may also encounter drastic changes. We may reach the mountaintops of life with a strong, energized faith. Then, our faith may fall, feeling sea-level low and desert dry. Our faith may seem as consistent as the ocean’s tides or as desolate as a tumbleweed blowing across the prairie.

David, who encountered incredible highs and painful lows in his life of faith, is always raw, open, and honest in his psalms and prayers. Consider a few of his words:

“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”    (Psalm 63:1)

“Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death.”                                    (Psalm 13:3)

“Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever.”   (Psalm 145:2)

If you’re struggling with what seems like a radically inconsistent faith, remember this: God’s love for you isn’t based on the strength of your faith. Your Heavenly Father sent Jesus to live a perfect life of faith for you, to show unwavering obedience to God, and to follow through on the promise to be your Savior.

Did He do this because you deserve it, because your faith earned it? No! He did it fully knowing that you’re a sinner!

So when you find your faith trapped in Death Valley, rest assured that the Holy Spirit created your faith. He promises to work through God’s Word, with God’s people, and during times of worship to strengthen your faith. Don’t focus on yourself, but focus on the unwavering, perfect love of Jesus Christ. You can find confidence knowing that you are forgiven and covered in His righteousness. Whether you’re reaching the summit or walking the flat land, your are always traveling with a Spirit-created, life-saving faith.

Jesus, be near me on the mountaintops and in the valleys. Lead me to . . .