The Seven


A glutton is a person who voraciously stuffs themselves with food, well past the point of being full. And while overeating can be frivolous or humorous (like the time my son ate 11 plates of food at Golden Corral), whenever gluttony becomes a pattern of life, it’s no laughing matter. Proverbs uses hyperbole to jolt us with how seriously we should take this temptation: “Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony” (Proverbs 23:2) NIV.

At the root, though, the Bible tells us that gluttony is not really a matter of calories but of forgetfulness — a forgetfulness that can lead to rebellion and ruin. In the Garden of Eden, that first gluttonous bite happened when Eve and Adam forgot that God had given them everything they could possibly need and that nothing outside of their life with God would satisfy them. Similarly, when God led Israel out of Egypt and through the desert, the people forgot after only a few weeks, what life had been like under Pharaoh and how astounding God’s rescue was. Still, God continued to lavish food on His people, spreading honey-wafers (manna’s) on the ground and dropping quail for meat out of the sky. God did this so the people would remember — and never forget — their God. “At twilight, you will eat meat,” God said, “and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God” (Exodus 16:12).

But of course, Israel forgot. We all forget. The people had been told to only grab enough food for each day, and that God would provide what they needed every morning. However, predictably, many didn’t trust God. They thought they needed to stockpile more. So some grabbed and hoarded. Later, others decided that the manna’s and the quail was not enough and began to “crave other foods” — translated literally, the text says they “craved a craving” (Numbers 11:4). Their cravings ran away with them. They became gluttons.

We suffer the same temptations. We stuff ourselves with a glut of food, of the media, of experiences and opportunities. We pursue an image of another person’s acceptance or some achievement. Stuffing and hoarding, we no longer believe that God is who we most crave.

What we all need most — far more than food or reputation or any other experience or person — is God. Our temptation to stuff ourselves signals to us a profound truth, a truth we should honor: we are indeed hungry; hungry to experience God and life in His kingdom. So, we do not despise our hunger; rather we move deeper into it, into the deepest longings it points to. And as we go deeper, we discover good, good news: our kind and generous God longs to give us all we need. If we insist on gorging ourselves, we’ll never come with open hands ready to receive.

Question:     Where are you tempted to replace God’s place in your life by stuffing yourself with distractions? What do you think this runaway craving tells you about your heart?

Practice:     Fasting.     Fasting is a rest from food or other pleasures. It’s the opportunity to quiet the demands for “more” so that we can connect to our deepest, God-given desires. You can fast from food (a meal, a particular kind of food) or from some other activity (social media, television). If you do any fast, follow nutritional advice particular to your situation.


Forward Into The Light

It can be disorienting and painful to see our sinfulness, the sickness inside us. However, there’s nothing to fear. There is no shame here. We simply need to see the lies in our lives so that we can throw them off and come out into the bright sunshine. God’s generous arms are spread wide-open to embrace us. God’s love is far more powerful than our delusions, our addictions, our destructive patterns. Whether it’s pride, envy, sloth, greed, anger, lust, or gluttony — God’s light chases those pretenders away.

If we are tempted to despair or to oppressive guilt or self-ridicule, remember God’s tenderness and gentleness. Remember that God calls us His beloved even when we’re stuck in foolishness and sin. God invites us to come out of hiding, to step into the radiant light of love. God calls us to life that is whole, life that is free!