From the desk of pastor Ben

God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.      (2 Corinthians 9:8) NIV

Usually, when we take our grandkids with us to someplace like Wal-mart, 2 things happen almost every time. First, they usually ask us to buy them something and second, we usually buy them something. That’s just what we, as grandparents do. But on this one particular day I had our 9 year old grandson with me and he didn’t ask for anything. We were getting ready to leave and I asked him, “Why don’t we go pick out something for you and I’ll buy it for you.” His response surprised me. “I don’t think you need to buy me something all the time, Pop, I don’t want to get spoiled.” What an impressive attitude for a little kid. My prayer is that he will keep that attitude for the rest of his life.
I believe Jesus feels the same way toward us. He enjoys sharing His blessings with us; from a new friendship to a new job or a new house. Our closet is full of clothes. Our fridge is full of food. Our car’s gas tank is full. Does that mean we are spoiled? Only if we refuse to acknowledge that Jesus is the One who gave me all I have.
As long as we don’t take His generosity for granted and as long as we are willing to share, we won’t become spoiled. We realize that Jesus is far more interested in what His Spirit is doing IN us than what He does FOR us. Knowing Him is the best gift.

Faith Step:     Think of 10 blessings Jesus has given you. Thank Him by sharing one of them today.