He called, “Any fish, boys?” “No,” we replied. Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get plenty of them!” So, we did, and couldn’t draw in the net because of the weight of the fish, there were so many!
                    (John 21:5-6) TLB

Ever notice Jesus’ habit of overdoing it when it came to meeting people’s needs? He was extravagant. From His first-ever miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding, He made way more than the guests could consume. Then He fed 4000 and 5000 folks and had baskets full of food left over. In the above passage, a weary apostle Peter returned to the comfort of his once-successful fishing business. When Jesus entered his dilemma, there was no condemnation, only love, acceptance, direction, and so much provision that the net — and Peter’s heart — were about to burst. Jesus provided more than enough, again.
36+ years ago, while planning our wedding, I had just the opposite attitude. I was focused on spending “just enough.” I haggled on the cost of everything for the wedding and even secretly hoped people wouldn’t eat too much at the rehearsal dinner & reception and by the time of the wedding, I showed up frazzled & anxious. Looking back, I realize that my “just enough” attitude may have been a deeply held value, but it was out of step with Jesus’ “more than enough” attitude. My Heavenly Father promised He would supply, and I needed to let go and trust Him to do it extravagantly — and He did!

Faith Step:    Stretch today when giving anything to others — push past your comfort zone — with money, a listening ear, or your time. Practice being extravagant.