Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. (James 4:10) NIV

There’s a classic children’s book entitled Millions of Cats by Wanda Ga’g. It’s about an older couple in search of a new pet. In the story, the old man finds a hill covered with millions of cats. How can he pick just one when all of them are exquisite? He decides to let the cats choose among themselves which is prettiest. But each one believes he is, and a huge squabble ensues. When the dust settles, they’ve all disappeared, except for a single scrawny kitten. The reason? He didn’t consider himself special, so the others left him alone. Through the love the old couple share with him, this little kitty truly becomes the most beautiful cat in the world.
Like those millions of cats, I’ve wasted time competing to be the best, the most creative, the fastest. I’ve discovered that sort of contest is impossible — and pointless — to win. Then I remember Jesus’ humility and see beauty as it’s meant to be.
As the scraggly kitten in the story, there is nothing outstanding about me. When people look at me, they don’t see a celebrity, a genius, or anyone special. But Jesus does. He seeks the treasure within me. To Him, I’m special — the most special me in the entire universe. And tat’s enough. Because like that little kitten in the story, I’ve found worth in His eyes, and my spirit flourishes under His care.

Faith Step:   Make a list of the ways Jesus has lifted you up and made you feel special.