Ingredients For Spiritual Growth

In his first letter, Peter instructed the early followers in how to deal with persecution from outside the church. In his second letter, Peter addressed problems inside the church, including how to deal with false teachers and evildoers who come into the church.
God’s Story:
Just as I have used my servant Paul, I am using my servant Peter to call sinners from darkness to light and to lead followers of Jesus into the truth. While my people are on earth, my Spirit will dwell in them, empowering them to live godly lives and allowing them to participate in my divine nature. They will be blessed as they grow in their faith and persevere until I receive them into eternal life.

Read 2 Peter 1:1-21

Your Story:
Peter lists 7 things that you should focus on to grow in your faith: goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection and love. That is quite a list! These qualities do not come automatically, nor do they come easily. They require hard work and determination. Which of these qualities are you growing in your life? Which ones are you lacking? Take some time to make a list of ways that you can ask God to help you in your effort to add these qualities to your life.