Most of our spiritual problems are rooted in a false conception of who God is.

A few years ago, the Boston Globe interviewed Dennis Wise, an avid Elvis Presley fan. His words of both passion and despair are striking:

“I loved Elvis. I followed him, his whole career. I have every album he has recorded, and seen every movie he’s made. I once even bought some boots when I was in junior high school that looked just like his. The kids called them ‘fruit boots.’ But I didn’t care — they looked like Elvis.

Later, I even got a face lift and a hair contour like his. I have won Elvis look-alike contests, and wanted him to notice, so I would storm the stage during and after concerts he would do. I don’t think he ever saw me. I have ticket stubs from concerts, Elvis clippings from programs all over the world, and even some Elvis pillows from Japan.

Yeah, Elvis was, and is my idol. My only regret was…that I never really saw him… I mean, really saw him. Sure, I went to concerts, but there was no contact. I once even climbed the walls around Graceland to catch a glimpse of him. I think it might have been him that was walking through the house as I was looking through my binoculars. But…I never really saw him. It’s funny…all the effort I put into following him — and I never could seem to get close.”

In James 4:6-10, we are told how to get into position to see God. So often, our story sounds too much like Dennis Wise. We want to experience intimacy with God, but if we were honest, we’d have to say: “It’s funny, all the effort I put into following Him…and I never could seem to get close.” Our Christian life, becomes a series of predictable routines, and we even take pride in mastering those routines through human effort and sacrifice. But we don’t experience intimacy. Our journey is academic and sterile. We fail to see that our first step must be brokenness and heartfelt desire for God to manifest Himself to us, who, by nature, are aliens to His ways. He has made Himself available to us, if we’ll take the conscious, deliberate steps to abide in Him and linger in His presence.

Three Foundations We must Build Upon:

  1. Intimacy with God is not automatic, but is the result of right  choices.
  2. Intimacy with God begins in our own submission, humility, and brokenness.
  3. We naturally oppose God and must now make our move toward Him.


My Time With God

1.) Preparation Time

Exodus 33:11 – “Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to  face just as a man speaks to his friend.”

Reflect and Respond to these questions…

  1. What barriers keep me from experiencing intimacy with God?
  1. What will it take for me to become intimate?
  1. Have I bought into any “myths” about God that keep me distant?
  1. Am I really hungry for God, enough to act on what I need to do?

2.) Waiting Time

During your waiting time, let God…

  1. Love you…

God, I feel your love today, especially in the area of…

  1. Search you…

God, You have my permission to reveal any barriers in my life.

  1. Show you…

God, is there anything that I need to know that will enhance  my intimacy with You?

3.) Confession Time

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment.” (Matthew 22:37)

“…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and height and depth and to know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge… (Ephesians 3:17-19)

Confess areas in which you are alienated from the love of God.

Confess areas in which you do not love God with all your heart, soul, and mind:

4.) Bible Time

…Read the passage below slowly, a couple of times.

…Close your eyes and allow this Truth to surface in your heart.

…Pray the Scripture and personalize it as God’s truth to you.

“But now, thus says the Lord, your Creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel. Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! When you pass through the water, I will be with you. And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I have given Egypt as your ransom, Cush and Sebastian in your place. Since you are precious in My sight, since you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life.”  (Isaiah 43:1-4)

5.) Meditation Time

After praying the scriptures, writ down the thoughts that God has impressed upon your mind…

6.) Intercession Time – Praying for Others

Pray for 3 people in your life, who you would especially love to see become intimate with God. Pray for revelation to come to them, and for them to experience what you’ve thought through today.

Name Request






7.) Petition Time – Praying for Yourself

Pray for God to reveal Himself to you in fresh, new ways, and pray specifically for the barriers to be removed that stand between you and God.
How To Petition God Properly

  1. Talk to Him about the “little things.”
  2. Be honest with God.
  3. Pray “Thy Will Be Done.”

Prayer Requests:





8.) Application Time

Q: What is the main thing that God has impressed upon me today?

Q: What am I going to do about it?

Q: What steps do I take in my obedience to God this week?

9.) Faith Time

Faith is our positive response to what God has said. Spend a few moments praying through your eyes of faith. Tell God the positive things you see happening because of His goodness!

10.) Praise and Thanksgiving Time

Praise God by recognizing WHO HE IS.

Thank God by recognizing WHAT HE HAS DONE.

This Week’s Memory Verses:

Matthew 22:37

Ephesians 3:17-19

This Week’s Time Alone With God

Monday – This Lesson.

Tuesday – Each of us is as close to God as we have chosen to be. We have not taken further steps toward intimacy with Him because of barriers that exist between a holy, perfect God and sinful, weak humans. God’s ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). Getting to know Him is a “cross-cultural” experience for us all! Take a moment, and write below the barriers you are aware of that keep you & God at a distance:

What can be done about these barriers? Are there steps you can take? Are there requests you can pray? Jot them down.

Wednesday – One of the hurdles we must jump en route to intimacy with God, is the set of “myths” or misconceptions we’ve come to believe about Him and spirituality. Below is a simple list of the most common myths on intimacy with God that people unconsciously believe:

  1. The Emotions vs. Truth Myth

Myth: Intimacy with God is just an issue of the emotions.

  1. The Knowledge Myth

Myth: The more Scripture I know, the more intimate I must be.

  1. The Feelings Myth

Myth: When I feel close to God, I must be.

  1. The Good Deeds Myth

Myth: If I’m a good person, I must be close to God.

  1. The Positional Myth

Myth: Intimacy with God is my possession as a Christian.

  1. The Intensity Myth

Myth: If I am a deep & intense person or serve God with great  fervor, I must be close to Him.

Q: Have you bought into any of these myths? How about any others you can think of?

Q: Why would these myths hinder us from intimacy with God?

Begin to pray for God to replace these myths with truth, in your relationship to Him.

Thursday – Look again at Exodus 33:11

“Thus, the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face just as a man speaks to his friend.”

Earlier in Exodus 33, Moses demonstrates the price he paid for this kind of intimate friendship with God. Look at this price tag below, and respond on how you are doing at paying what it costs to be intimate:

Moses Teaches The Price Of Intimacy:

  1. You must be willing to separate yourself regularly, vs. 7

Key: Outside the camp

  1. You must be willing to seek after God with all your heart, vs. 7

Key: Sought the Lord

  1. You must be willing to be watched by the public, vs. 8

Key: Gaze after Moses

  1. You must be willing to learn to listen & obey God’s voice, vs. 9

Key: Lord would speak

  1. You must be willing to enter covenant partnership with God,
  2. 10-11

Key: Partnership, trustworthiness, commitment

Friday – In John 15:1-15, we read about what it means to abide in Christ. This text defines the experience of intimacy with God. In it, we learn that…

  1. The practice of intimacy with God is essential (vs. 5-6).
  2. The product of intimacy with God is fruitfulness (vs. 4).
  3. The proof of intimacy with God is obedience (vs. 10-14).

Unfortunately, most of us run straight to the results. We want to produce. We want fruit in our lives. We fail to see that intimacy with God comes first. The proper order should be:

  1. To Know God

In this first step, we experience God’s initial love for us.

(Ephesians 3:17-19)

  1. To Love God

Ultimately, we obey out of a love relationship with Him.

Q: Have you experienced this sequence in your life?

Q: How have you short-circuited the process by switching the order?

Q: What can you do now to re-prioritize the love of God?

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