Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.   (Hebrews 13:8) ESV

I remember someone saying to me once, “When you are a parent, you never stop parenting.” Even as a parent myself, I’m tempted to manage my kids, but I know I need to let them figure out their own lives. Especially as they are adults now and they struggle with adult issues such as heartbreak, career choices, and financial needs, and now they are parents themselves.
As I let go of interfering, which can stunt their growth, I try to focus my energy on prayer. One morning, years ago, when my kids were teens, I discovered a new way to pray for them. I searched through the Psalms in hopes of finding something inspirational. That morning, praying the Psalms felt as if I was praying only for myself: I know God is my refuge, and He holds my right hand. I thought, “I don’t care about me right now. I care about my kids. Lord, show me how to pray for them.”
Then I thought, If I believe Jesus is who He says He is, then can’t He do for me what He did for others when He walked on earth? So, I searched for encounters in the Bible of parents who approached Jesus for help. I found several, including a ruler, 2 mothers, and a father. Their prayers expressed my own feelings. I immersed myself in these stories and imagined myself face to face with Jesus, making requests on behalf of my children. I experienced His healing words and comfort in a new way.
Today, I’m still praying this way for my kids as they struggle through their lives just like we all do. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so I know He’s able to handle all of my concerns. And thankfully, He hears my prayers.

Faith Step:     Imagine yourself face to face with Jesus. Talk with Him about specific concerns for your own children or grandchildren or someone else’s.