From the desk of Pastor Ben

Jesus The Compassionate Healer

“When they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret. And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent word into all that surrounding district and brought to Him all who were sick; and they implored Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as many as touched it were cured.”
                            (Matthew 14:34-36)

Jesus and the disciples probably intended to spend considerable time just by themselves in the beautiful, agricultural area of Gennesaret. But the people of that area sidetracked their plans by bringing many of their sick to Jesus. Obviously, there were still many with afflictions in that vicinity, even though the Lord had healed many before.

Confidence in Jesus’ miracle powers was now so high that “they implored him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak.” Because such a touch healed the woman with the bleeding (Matthew 9:20), people who heard about it assumed anyone could be healed in exactly the same way. Whatever the case, the Lord had compassion on the crowds and honored the expressions of faith by healing everyone who touched His cloak.

As many people today who look to God only for their selfish needs and desires, most of the crowds wanted little to do with Jesus after the healings. It grieved Jesus that they wanted nothing more from Him than physical blessings. But because they didn’t want a full spiritual meal, He still gave them pieces of bread. Even though they cared nothing for spiritual help, Jesus nevertheless granted them physical healings. In the face of the people’s ungrateful self-centeredness and superficiality, the Lord still graciously showed them the compassionate heart of God.

Ask Yourself:
What are some of the common graces God showers on even those who want nothing of His salvation or simply ignore the fact that He is present around them? Why would God continue to extend life and blessing to those who reject or belittle His impact on their lives?