Making Memories
By Pastor Ben

“Remember your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they
have been from of old.”        (Psalm 25:6)

If you ask people born before 1965 to share some favorite childhood memories, plenty will share stories about family vacations. Often, their time spent traveling together was as memorable as their destination. Here are a few favorite pre-technology memories some of you might appreciate:

Windows open, no air conditioning, eating PB&J sandwiches wrapped in wax paper.
Laying up in the window of the back seat/License plate & alphabet games.
Getting truckers to blow their horns/Photos taken with Polaroid cameras.
Full-service gas stations w/oil checks, window washing, and free maps.

Granted, not everyone has positive vacation memories. Arguments, awkward silence, unmet expectations, frustrations, or bad accidents can make for unhappy vacation baggage.

In Psalm 77, the writer shares a variety of emotions tied to his memories. He has his own baggage filled with complaints, size XL. He cries out to God, wondering if the Lord is even listening or traveling along with him. But then, he puts his complaints on hold:

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy.”                            (Psalm 77:11-13)

At this point in his prayer, the psalmist realizes God’s direction is best. Have you ever had an “a-ha” moment like this? You pour out your soul to God and He draws your heart back to His holy heart. Like the psalmist, you can once again see God’s goodness, power, and grace, active on your behalf.
Then again, maybe moaning and groaning is the only way you can pray authentically right now. The struggles of life hang like a heavy fog and you can barely see the road  right in front of you. Rest assured, God hears those prayers too. Because of Jesus sacrifice on the cross, God offers you comfort, no matter how many bad memories you’re trying to forget.

I pray that the goodness and grace of our Savior will open your eyes to focus on the good, see the victories, and experience the blessings of traveling with our Lord Jesus.

Holy Spirit, help me to recall and give thanks for Your unending goodness. What a difference those memories make in my travels throughout each day . . .