Making the Most of Time
While Paul remained in Rome under house arrest, he wisely used his time in confinement to write 4 letters now included in the New Testament: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and Philippians. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians probably was a circular letter, intended for other churches in addition to the one in Ephesus. The majority of these believers were Gentiles. Unlike several of Paul’s other letters, Ephesians does not focus on any specific fault or heresy. Paul wrote so that his readers might better understand the scope of God’s eternal purpose and come to appreciate the high ambitions god has for all believers.
God’s Story:
I receive such love from my servant Paul! He will remain dedicated to me until his last day on the earth. Although confined, Paul will continue his ministry to the churches trough his letters. He will write eloquent letters that will be preserved and passed down for thousands of years. His dedication to including Gentiles in my kingdom and to the unity of Jews and Gentiles will have an incredible impact on the life of the church in the future.

Read Ephesians 2:1-22

Your Story:
Paul was consistently obedient to his calling to spread the Good News to the Gentiles. He wanted the people to understand the foundations of their faith. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul reiterated that “it is by grace you have been saved, through faith . . . It is the gift of God — not by works” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation is a free gift from God. And what do you do when you have received a gift from someone? You say thank you, of course! Take some time today to praise and thank God.