Another Wipeout

“You will know that I am the Lord; those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” -Isaiah 49:23-

When I was a young boy, I remember one time racing some of my friends on our bicycles. We were speeding down a hill and preparing to navigate a sharp left turn. I squeezed the handlebar to slow down and suddenly realized that my brakes did not work. I had a split-second decision to make: Ride the bike over the curb into the woods ahead, or dismount as quickly as possible. I decided to bail, sending the bike crashing into the trees ahead as I tumbled onto the asphalt below. It was a spectacular wipeout!
My guess is that you have had your share of wipeouts as well, if not literally, then figuratively. You were expecting smooth sailing, but a storm came up. You worked like a maniac to navigate the roadblocks, and you crashed into them instead. You tried to slam on the brakes, but only accelerated into disaster. You were following your dreams, and they turned out to be rabbit trails. Fired from your job; served with divorce papers; flunked out of college, drowning in debt.
Wipeout. Failure. Disappointment. And it’s not just situational, but relational too. You reached out for a helping hand only to find pointed fingers. You searched nearby faces for empathy or grace, and instead found ridicule and judgment. Your trust was returned with betrayal, your kindness repaid in abuse.
But God can redeem our failure. He can rescue us when we fall. Those who hope in Him will not be disappointed. Those who turn to Him find grace and mercy when they need it most (see Hebrews 4:16). When we are humbled, he lifts us up with His strong hand (1 Peter 5:6). And when we fall, He doesn’t rebuke, but proves Himself mighty to save (Zephaniah 3:17).

Following Today
How were you disappointed most recently? It’s not too late to let your personal failure or disappointment point you to God. Write out a prayer — a personal psalm of sorts — expressing your trust in Him to turn your defeat into hope. Expect Him to come through.

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