The Better Thing

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed — or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”-Luke 10:41-42-

Most of us resonate with Martha because we are a distracted culture.We are always on the move, always trying to get something done. Our phones are constantly dinging to let us know there is a text we need to return or an appointment we’re going to be late for.
Martha had Jesus right in front of her. I can imagine her grandchildren someday excitedly asking, “What was it like? Jesus in your home! That must have been awesome! What did He say? What was it like to be right there with Him?” And Martha would have to respond, “Well, to tell the truth, there were these fancy dishes I was trying to find. I never really even heard what He said. I just caught bits and pieces of the conversation as I flew back and forth through the room. Your great-aunt Mary will have to fill you in.”
How many times have we been so distracted that we’ve missed a divine appointment? How often does God long to speak to us, but He keeps getting our voicemail because we’re too busy to pick up.
The fruit of busyness seems obvious. Productivity. Effectiveness. Accomplishment. It’s easy to equate busyness with virtue or discipline. But Jesus evaluates it through a different lens, and the results become clear. Distraction. Anxiety. Misplaced emotion. So Jesus commended Mary for her choice to quietly sit and listen and learn. To set aside everything there was to do and simply take some time to be with Him. And in the end, Mary chose the best thing; in fact, it was the only thing that was really needed.

Following Today
Read the rest of this short story from Luke 10:38-42. Think through what dominates your to-do list. What causes you to become “worried and upset”? Are you tempted to view “time away” with the Lord as a distraction from your work? If so, confess your misplaced priorities to Jesus. Then make a conscious choice to sit and listen to Him each day. What would happen if, for the next 14 days, you scheduled time with Jesus at the beginning of each day? Mark it on your calendar. Choose what is better.

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