From the desk of Pastor Ben
Old Testament Greats Testify of Jesus

“Behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him.”
                                    (Matthew 17:3)

Out of the many godly Old Testament believers God could have chosen to appear with Jesus, why did He choose Moses and Elijah? As no others, Moses and Elijah represented the Old Testament, the law and the prophets. And they could give testimony to Christ’s divine majesty and glory. By their presence together, they affirmed, in effect, “This is the One of whom we testified, the One in whose power we ministered, and the One in whom everything we said and did has meaning. Everything we spoke, accomplished, and hoped for is fulfilled in Him.”

Luke says that these two great saints were talking with Jesus “of His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem” (Luke 9:31). They were not simply there to reflect on the Lord’s glory, but they were talking with Him as friend to Friend about His departure, His imminent sacrifice, which was the supreme objective and work of His earthly ministry.

It was significant that the discussion was about Christ’s saving work through His death, because it was this truth the disciples found most difficult to accept. Moses and Elijah gave confirmation not only of Jesus’ divine glory, but also of His divine plan. Their supernatural testimony no doubt later gave the apostles added conviction and courage as they proclaimed that Jesus was “delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God” (Acts 2:23).

Ask Yourself:
If even the revered leaders and prophets of ancient Israel are in awe of Christ, recognizing Him as their Lord, how much more readily should we bow before His presence, honoring Him for His majesty, thanking Him for His loving sacrifice on our behalf?