Pastor Ben’s Ponderings

“Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought
to pray and not lose heart.”         (Luke 18:1)

Any time, any place, wherever you set your heart toward God, you can commune with Him. Daniel prayed to God before an open window 3 times a day (Daniel 6:10). Moses met God in a burning bush on the backside of the desert that was his prayer room (Exodus 3:4-5). Peter met God upon a housetop; that was his prayer room (Acts 10:9). John met God on the Isle of Patmos. That was his place of prayer (Revelation 1:9).

These Bible examples show that you don’t have to have a specific place to pray and commune with God. Some people have a prayer room set aside in their homes. Others pray in their cars while driving back and forth to work (Don’t close your eyes!) Many people pray while doing household chores or yard work. Farmers pray on their tractors while moms pray at the sink.

It’s not so important where we pray, but it is important that we pray regularly. Jesus said we “always ought to pray.” A consistent prayer life is the key to a meaningful and close personal relationship with God. It makes your Christian life come alive.

How is your prayer life? Have your lines of communication with your Heavenly Father been on hold? Why don’t you call on Him today? He’s just waiting to hear from you! God never puts us on hold; His lines are always open!