Pastor Ben’s Ponderings

From The Desk Of Pastor Ben

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not. And it shall be on the sixth day that they shall prepare what they bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.’”     (Exodus 16:4-5) NKJV

Have you ever had a restless night? A night during which worry and fear gripped your mind — not really worried about one certain thing, but just that uneasy feeling that disrupts your thoughts and your rest? One night, I fell asleep fine, but sometime in the night I woke up with worry and concern. I decided to search the Scriptures for the comfort I needed. I began to read Exodus 16. I read about the Israelites, only 30 days into their journey and already complaining they were hungry. They just couldn’t see the big picture — the picture that Moses and Aaron could see — where they had come from and where God was leading them. The Israelites complained to Moses and the Lord heard their cries. The Lord sent bread from heaven (manna) and quail to feed them. Each evening, quail covered the land and as the sun rose each morning, dew descended as manna. God told the Israelites to gather the quail and manna but to only gather according to each one’s needs; they were not to take more or less than what they needed for that day. Anything more than what they needed would spoil.
The Lord commanded the people to gather on the sixth day twice as much, so they could rest on the Sabbath. But only on the sixth night would the manna not spoil. Despite what God said, some of the Israelites were disobedient and took more than what they needed, and it spoiled. What a lesson God was trying to show them!

This resonated with me. I began to see how the provision of the Lord rests upon His children. Can you imagine being in the wilderness, wondering where your next meal would come from, praying there would be enough to go around; enough to feed your family? Can you  imagine witnessing that kind of power, love and provision? I began to see how God had made provision for me along my journey as well.

I can get greedy from time to time. Some days I can’t see the whole picture God has planned for my life. I can’t see past my needs and desires. I began to realize that just as God had tested the Israelites, He also tests me. And I know that when I am tested, my true character will come to the surface. It can really prove what I am made of. Will I be obedient? Will I have the faith it takes to know God’s provision will be sufficient for me? Will I ever learn to be totally dependent on God?

My prayer every day is that I will see God’s provision in my life; That I will trust in His ways: That I will find myself obedient to His will. I pray that He will remove any greed or lack of faith I have in Him. I pray that He will allow me to walk through each trial, no matter how dark and barren it may be, in total confidence that from day to day He has already made provision for me. AMEN.