Pastor Ben’s Ponderings

“And David inquired of God…”         (1 Chronicles 14:10)

When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king of Israel, they began searching for him. David retreated into the stronghold until he received word that they had raided the Valley of Rehaim. His natural inclination was to defend the valley; however, David did not rush to battle. His response to this and most other events of his life was simple: He inquired of the Lord. He asked, “Shall I go up against the Philistines?” And the Lord answered, “Go” (1 Chronicles 14:10).

David drove the Philistines out of the valley and removed their idols. When they returned to the valley, David did not assume that God’s response would be the same, but he again reverted to his default response and inquired of the Lord. The Lord’s answer was different this time, “You shall not go up after them . . . When you hear a sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall go out to battle” (vs. 14-15). David obeyed the Lord and was again victorious.

When David inquired of the Lord, God exalted him and all nations feared him. When he failed to do so, he made reckless decisions with horrible consequences that affected not only him but others.

We, too, benefit by inquiring of the Lord for every aspect of our lives. Like He did for David, the Lord has prescribed the best path for our future and our decisions carry consequences not only for us but for others, too. Since the Lord hears our petitions even before we ask them, doesn’t it make sense that we should inquire of Him as well?