Positions in the Kingdom
Jesus continued to preach and help those in need. While the religious leaders persisted in testing Jesus and asking for signs, Jesus kept talking to his disciples about the kingdom of heaven. Later, however, a question revealed that they had not grasped many aspects of this new kingdom. Jesus needed to teach them more.

God’s Story:
The disciples still do not get it! They are interested in their own advancement, power and position in my kingdom. Instead, they must think simply, trust implicitly and humbly accept their own lack of power and their dependence on my mercy for entrance into my kingdom.
 Read Matthew 18:1-5

Your Story:
If you’ve ever tried to gain entry into an exclusive club, you know about strict requirements, rules and fees. The kingdom of heaven is the most prestigious club ever! After all, it’s led by the King of kings and Lord of lords. But the Kingdom of God is completely different from any other club you’ve ever known. It turns “normal” upside down. The invitation to become a member is given to everyone, and the kingdom is so easy to get into that even a little child can become a member. Being a member of this kingdom is the opportunity of a lifetime! It’s where you want to be.