Powerful Parables
God’s Story:
My Son is both human and divine. He walks and talks like an ordinary man, falls asleep when he’s tired, eats when he’s hungry. But he also commands the wind and the waves to be still. He speaks to the people with love and compassion, telling them stories that relate to their lives and teaching them about my kingdom. Unfortunately, only some will hear the stories and understand the true meaning. Only some will embrace the Word, understand it and receive eternal life.

Read Mark 4:1-41

Your Story:
In teaching both his disciples and the crowds, Jesus used parables — stories out of ordinary life that illustrate spiritual or moral truth, sometimes in the form of brief similes, comparisons, analogies or proverbial sayings. He told stories about everyday things, but the stories contained spiritual truth understood by only a few. Re-read the parable of the sower. God sends the Good News — his Word, the seed — to everyone. It is scattered on all people, regardless of race, creed, nationality or location. But there are conditions that affect the acceptance of that seed. Of the 4 categories given, which type of “soil” best represents how you have responded to the Good News?