From the desk of Pastor Ben
Proof of Divine Protection – Part 1

When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”     (Matthew 14:26-27)

Because of the night-time storm, their exhaustion from hours of rowing, and their general fear of the wind and waves, the apostles did not initially recognize Jesus on the water. Their fear soon turned to extreme terror when Jesus’ form appeared to be a ghost (the Greek word phantasma means an apparition or imaginary creature), come to add to their torments. In their human panic, the disciples could not help but cry out in fear.

Jesus was testing the apostles’ faith, but He also understood their weaknesses and wanted to protect them from harm. So His simple statement, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid,” instantly calmed their panic and caused them to recognize it was their Lord.

Jesus did not offer any lengthy explanation of what He was doing or why He hadn’t come sooner — and he wasn’t walking on the water to show how the apostles how to do that. His purpose was simply to show His loving protection and willing ness to do whatever necessary to rescue His followers. His miraculous walking on the water was not essential to the rescue, but it was a vivid lesson on the power and extent of divine protection and a permanent reminder that Christ can and will act on behalf of His own.

Ask Yourself:
You may be at a point where the assurance of god’s care and protection is exactly what you’re needing to remember. How would this encouragement change the way you deal with uncertainties you’re facing? What causes you to forget that God is able to meet your need?