From the desk of Pastor Ben
Proof of Divine Protection – Part 2

When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”     (Matthew 14:26-27)

As believers, we will always be in a place where Jesus can find us and help us, no matter how difficult the circumstances or how severe the opposition (Joshua 1:5; Hebrews 13:5). The lesson for the apostles in the boat is the same one for us: there is no reason for the Lord’s children to fear.

Consider Paul’s experience on the ship taking him to Rome. A particularly violent storm slammed that vessel and threatened to sink it or run it aground. When everyone else on board had given up hope of surviving, an angel appeared to the apostle and told him everyone would survive although the ship would be lost. Even prior to that event, Paul confidently told his shipmates that God would work everything out (Acts 27:25). And that is what happened — the ship was wrecked on Malta, Paul and everyone made it safely to land, he ministered on Malta, and eventually, he went on safely to Rome.

The disciples on the Sea of Galilee also learned the valuable lesson of God’s protection. Even though they were reluctant to leave Jesus, they obeyed and rowed out into the path of the eventual storm — and the Lord honored their faithfulness. So, all believers can know that the place of protection and security is not necessarily the place with the best situation, but it is the place of obedience to God’s will.

Ask Yourself:
How do you determine whether or not you’re in the center of God’s will? Why would it be unrealistic for Him to decree that certain situations were always indicative of being rightly positioned and in tune with His heart? What can you mis-judge by judging your surroundings?