He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.     (Mark 4:39) NIV

From the desk of pastor Ben

My wife loves storms. She loves to sit on the porch in the summer when a storm is happening and watch the wind blow & see the rain pelting down. She says it is comforting for her. I think she’s crazy! When I see a storm coming, I like to be inside where it’s safe. I don’t want to watch the wind blow and see the rain pelting down. To me, it’s scary!
That reminds me of the terror the disciples experienced as they struggled to stay afloat during a storm. All the while Jesus, in perfect peace, slept. Upon waking, He spoke but 3 words — “Quiet! Be still!” — to calm the waters, the very same waters He had created. Settling the seas was no challenge for Him. But like those men, how many times have we forgotten Jesus, in His limitless power, is right beside us?
So, as the storm outside rages, I look out my window. And as I watch the turbulence outside, I sense His peace. Though storms rage all around me, I am safe and warm and dry. Secure. I know Jesus could calm these storms if He chose to, just as He did long ago.
Jesus can calm the daily chaos that fills our lives as well. And He’s there to quiet our souls when tempests brew inside us. When troubles overwhelm, He stills our thoughts and calms our fears. We need simply remember we aren’t sailing alone.

Faith Step:     Next time a rain or snow storm approaches, grab a cup of coffee or tea and watch. Think of the storms of life Jesus has calmed for you and thank Him.