Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.     (1 Chronicles 16:12) NKJV

There are many aspects of technology that I enjoy: my laptop, my smartphone, my smart-tv, my DVR, and the ability to FaceTime loved ones. But in some ways I’m still old school. I have friends who have almost completely replaced paper with apps, calendars, and alerts on their phone or computer. Not me — I still use paper a lot. I have wall calendars and a planner sitting on my desk. I have small notebooks for jotting down notes & ideas. A whiteboard on the fridge keeps a grocery list. If I want to remember something, I write it down on actual paper with a pencil or pen.
One day a thought struck me: Why not write down things I want to remember about Jesus? The Bible shares wonderful truths about Jesus and our relationship with Him. But sometimes I forget the exact truth I need to remember during trials, periods of loneliness, times of crisis, or just in the pressures of day-to-day living. So now I try to have a to-remember list: Jesus loves me unconditionally. His Holy Spirit lives inside of me. He’s promised to never leave me. He will work out every circumstance in my life for good. He’s prepared a perfect, eternal home for me.
Simply reading the first few items on this list is enough to brighten my day!

Faith Step – Keep a small notepad tucked inside your Bible. Each time you read a truth         about Jesus that you need to remember, jot it down on your notepad.