Roadside Attractions
By Pastor Ben

“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.”        (1 Corinthians 1:18)

Roadside attractions usually aren’t destinations. They’re simply stopping places along the way to the destination. I’m thinking about one-of-a-kind, larger-than-life oddities like the world’s largest golf tee, knitting needles, ketchup bottle, and ball of twine.

As Jesus and His disciples traveled, Jesus Himself often became a roadside attraction, as it were. People had heard about His teachings and miracles. They wanted to know more. Was He the world’s greatest or the biggest fraud? Was He a one-of-a-kind miracle worker or a roadside sideshow? Was He sent by God or just playing god?
The people who met Jesus in the midst of His travels quickly learned that He was much more than a roadside attraction. Meeting the Son of God changed their daily lives and eternal destinations:

Two blind men cried out to Jesus for healing. He touched their eyes and gave them sight. Their response? They followed Him.    (See Matthew 20:29-34)

Traversing a mountain road, people with all kinds of infirmities went to see Jesus. He healed them all and Scripture tells us the crowd glorified the God of Israel. (See Matthew 15:29-31)

During His ministry, Jesus healed the minds & bodies of several women. They responded in gratitude by helping & serving Jesus & His disciples.   (Luke 8:1-3)

After witnessing Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and the aftermath, a Roman centurion ultimately recognized Him as the Son of God.   (See Matthew 27:54)

Jesus wasn’t a roadside attraction — He was (and still is) THE destination. Yes, His gifts are larger than life. Perhaps they seem unbelievable at times. But you don’t want to make the mistake of driving on by looking for a fancier destination! Go directly to Him for healing, mercy, and forgiveness. He will welcome you with unconditional love and the promise of eternal life.

By living in Jesus, we find the strength to model our lives after His ministry — taking time to care for others, responding to their needs, teaching them eternal truths. Jesus served generously and He calls us to do the same.

Jesus, I am beyond grateful that You saw me on the road to hell and changed my eternal destination . . .