See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams I the wasteland.
                                (Isaiah 43:19) NIV

Years ago, I was seeing a Christian pastoral counselor for some painful, persistent issues. One day, he announced excitedly, “Jesus gave me this verse for you,” and he recited the verse above. I was hungry for a fresh start but paralyzed by my past and unable to see the new possibilities unfolding before me. I promptly wrote down the verse to remind me that God is the Author of new things!
I’ve made many New Year’s resolutions in my life. Along with the familiar “lose a few pounds” or “stick to a budget,” I’ve had many ambitious, worthy goals as well. I have attained some big and small goals, though, I admit, more often, my goals were shelved shamefully by February or sooner.

Have you ever heard the expression, “Whatever we create in our own strength, we sustain in our own strength.” That strikes a chord because I’ve labored very hard for some goals, fighting against a strong current, and wondering if God was present in my struggles.
The Bible is full of ordinary people with God-given goals far beyond their human capacity, achievable only by God Himself: Nehemiah rebuilding the wall, Joshua and Gideon fighting formidable foes, and the apostles sharing the Gospel worldwide.
Now, as I seek Jesus’ peaceful, gentle way, I look for the new thing He is already doing and aim to align myself with Him, the true Stream in the desert, and then behold with wonder what He does. Jesus makes all things new and His resolutions never fail.

Faith Step: This New Year, resolve to draw near to Jesus and the newness He offers.                 Behold what He does!