Seeing Was Believing

Those who heard about the resurrection for the first time needed a little reassurance that what they heard was possible and true. The reality of the situation didn’t sink in until they encountered Jesus personally.

God’s Story:
My Son repeated several times what was going to happen: He would die and rise again. The disciples and Mary heard this, but they did not totally understand. Now, when they see him alive again, they will realize that what he said would happen has come true.

Read John 20:1-31

Your Story:
For Jesus’ closest followers, seeing Jesus alive was a defining moment. They could then accept the truth of the resurrection and were able to fully devote their lives to serving him. Jesus spoke the truth! He was human and divine at the same time! He was god, yet he came to live among humans — to relate to them, to love them, to bring them hope. Seeing Jesus alive again confirmed his presence among the disciples. Are you experiencing Jesus’ love and hope? Do you sense his presence with you?