Setting An Example

God’s Story:
I know my people completely, inside and out. I love my people completely, inside and out. That is why I have sent my Son to care for them and save them. Jesus knows that soon he will be returning to me. But first, he must teach his disciples one more lesson.

Read John 13:1-38

Your Story:
Because the roads in the Holy Land were not paved and people walked everywhere in sandals, foot washing was a frequent necessity. Not one of the disciples was willing to volunteer for such a task because they considered it to be beneath them. The world acknowledges the wealthy and the proud, the masters, not the servants. In contrast, God’s kingdom requires you to be a servant to others as Jesus was to his disciples. The world’s way may bring you recognition and the adoration of humans, but the way of servanthood will bring you God’s blessing. Which is more valuable to you?