Strength In Weakness

In the final 2 chapters of 2 Corinthians, Paul dealt firmly with the opposition forces in the church at Corinth who charged that he did not have the apostolic authority he claimed to have. In order to compare his own ministry with that of the false apostles — or “super-apostles” (2 Corinthians 11:5), as he sarcastically called them — Paul spoke about himself, which inevitably sounded like foolish boasting. He wanted to boast of the things that showed his weakness, because that opened the way for him to boast about the strength of God’s grace in his life.

God’s Story:
I have a plan for everyone who believes in me. No matter who that are, what they can or cannot do, I can use them. Regardless of their abilities or physical condition, my Spirit will empower them with the strength they need to live out my will. Divine power is made perfect in human weakness.

Read 2 Corinthians 11:1 – 12:10

Your Story:
Everyone has weaknesses. Even the apostle Paul, the greatest missionary of all time, had a chronic “thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:7) that plagued him. He struggled with it constantly, although there’s no documentation of what it was. Nevertheless, this reference to the apostle’s “thorn” has helped countless believers cope with “thorns” of their own. Paul felt strong when he was weak, knowing that God would work in and through him. How can God use your weaknesses for his service and glory?