Super Powers
God’s Story:
My Son’s authority and power have no limits. Natural forces and the powers of demons are within his control. He exudes healing power, and his touch and voice can call a child back from the dead. His power changes things for the good and reveals the very best of my plans for my people.

Read Mark 5:1-43

Your Story:
The woman in this passage had a dreadful medical condition that caused her to bleed constantly (this bleeding was likely associated with menstruation, which would have made her ritually unclean and would have excluded her socially). She took a great chance in reaching out to touch Jesus’ cloak, because by doing so, she risked making him unclean as well. Yet she took the risk, touched his cloak and was healed. Why? Because she had faith! You too may at some point face (or may have already faced) a problem that makes you fearful and keeps you from reaching out to God. When you face such a situation, remember that God is always there for you, no matter what the problem. Fear can be debilitating, but don’t let it be stronger than your faith.