From the desk of Pastor Ben
Taking Up the Cross – Part 2

Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”     (Matthew 16:24)

What does it mean to become a disciple of Jesus Christ? It means you want to come to the end of yourself and your sin so much that you long for Christ and His righteousness, making absolutely any sacrifice for Him. The extent to which sacrifice results in suffering and persecution varies from believer to believer, from time to time, and from place to place. Not all the apostles were martyred, but all of them were willing to be martyred. Not every disciple is called on to be martyred, but every disciple is commanded to be willing to be martyred.

The cross represents the suffering that is ours because of our relationship to Christ. As Jesus moved unwaveringly toward Jerusalem, His place of execution, He had already taken up His cross and was beginning to bear on His back the sins of all who would believe. And millions of disciples, each with their own cross, have since borne reproach with Him.

Christ does not call you to Himself to make your life easy and prosperous, but to make you holy and productive. Willingness to take up your cross is what marks you as a true disciple.

Ask Yourself:
How has Christ called you to bear reproach for His name? What has your allegiance to Him cost you, whether in relationships, in hardship, in reputation, or in some other area of sacrifice? How can you become more steadfast and sure in honoring Him at any price?