From the desk of Pastor Ben

Taking Up the Cross

Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”     (Matthew 16:24)

A true disciple will not only deny himself, but also take up his cross. To take up your cross does not refer to gaining some mystical, elite level of spiritual life. Nor does it refer to experiencing trials and hardships common to all people. To take up your cross is simply to be willing to pay any price for Christ’s sake, even if that means enduring shame, reproach, persecution, or martyrdom.

In Jesus’ day the cross was the instrument of execution reserved for Rome’s worst enemies. It symbolized the torture and death that awaited those who dared raise a hand against Roman authority.

So when the disciples and the crowd heard Jesus speak of taking up the cross, they pictured a poor, condemned soul walking along the road carrying the instrument of his execution on his back. A man who took up his cross began his death march.

To be a disciple of Jesus Christ is to be willing to start on a death march in His service — to be willing to suffer the indignities, pain, and even death of a condemned criminal.

And why would you do that? It is your opportunity to share in the sufferings of the One who suffered the most to save you.

Ask Yourself:
What needs to be offered up to death in your heart today? What has been taking far too much of your time, focus, and attention, distracting you from pure and wholehearted devotion to Christ? How far must it drag you down before you realize it can do nothing else?