The Complicated Jesus
One day, Jesus’ followers witnessed 2 outstanding miracles; the next day, they were confused and stunned by words they didn’t understand. The thought of eating the flesh of the Son of Man and drinking his blood probably was shocking to most of Jesus’ Jewish audience. But Jesus was looking ahead. “Flesh” and “blood” point to the crucified Christ and the source of life.

God’s Story:
I realize it is difficult for people to grasp the fact that a common man, a carpenter’s son, is also my divine Son come down from heaven. My Son can do all things and meet all the needs of the people if they will just believe. They want to use their brains to reason and rationalize the aspects of my Son’s existence, when what they really need to use is their hearts.
Read John 6:1-71

Your Story:
Jesus is complicated. He grew up like other kids, the son of a humble carpenter, yet he multiplied a few loaves of bread and a few fish to feed a stadium-sized crowd. He also walked on the waves of the sea. The people and even Jesus’ disciples couldn’t figure it out. Are you as baffled as they were about Jesus, or do you believe with your heart and realize that Jesus’ complexities don’t all have to be understood?